Craigshill Good Neighbour Network


What our Volunteers Do

Recently our volunteers have been doing Befriending Calls to our members and having a chat over the phone.

Setting up our groups
Serving teas/coffees/lunch
Ensure the group members have a great time every week
Join in with the activities going on
Help out at the various events we run throughout the year
Assist in running our shop, Community Creations

We always have something for our volunteers to help out with!

We are currently seeking the following volunteers:

Sewing Buddies
Arts & Crafts – painting, drawing, street artist, craft design, writers etc
General Admin
Social Media/ Communications
Graphic design
A poker player to teach the men's group
A leader for the monthly film club

If you have any of these skills and would like to help please contact us

           Volunteer Awards

We value our volunteers so we show our appreciation by giving them awards at least once a year. As we are a community, all our volunteers are involved!

If you are thinking you'd like to get involved or want to find out more about volunteering, please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator Pauline on 01506 442093